Training, Advising, and Assisting Today's Warfighter in the Generation and Application of Kinetic and Non-kinetic Options

Irregular Warfare
Technical Surveillance
Subversion & Sabotage
Offensive & Defensive Cyber
Special Reconnaissance
Safe Traveler Course
Products and Services
Since its founding in 2006, Advanced Mission Systems (AMS) has been known for its quality services, exceptional efficiency, and the highest level of professionalism.
AMS specializes in delivering advanced technologies, training, and professional services in Irregular Warfare (IW), Technical Surveillance, Tactical Cyber Operations, Special Reconnaissance, and Special Operations Technical Support. AMS is a trusted agent for Special Operations Forces, the Department of Homeland Security, and Federal Law Enforcement Agencies.
The AMS Team is comprised of expert-selected SOF operators with impeccable character, strong values, high standards, and vast real-life experience. Thus, the team understands the warfighter and takes pride in delivering the most realistic, current, applicable, and complete experience in any training environment.
AMS remains at the cutting edge of technologies used for TTL, CTR, SSE, ISR, and Tactical Cyber Operations, and have trained more than 800 operators, special agents, and federal law enforcement officers in mission-critical skills.
The AMS line of courses focuses on IW and UW Sensitive Activities (SA) realistic training to learn how to impose costs on adversaries. AMS has access to over 100 role players, a robust collection of U.S. and foreign weapons, and an extensive physical and cyber infrastructure network. All these resources to support bilateral and unilateral Full Mission Profile training exercises.
With decades of experience supporting the F3EAD mission and a willingness to listen to our customers, AMS delivers mission-critical equipment and custom kits for the operator. Working with an extensive network of small and large business partners for advanced technologies, our engineers and subject matter experts (SMEs) ensure that every piece of gear and custom kit is operationally relevant and performs at the highest level.
​Training is a cornerstone for the Company. Our former operators average more than 20 years of experience and have developed programs of instructions that reflect current TTPs across a broad set of AORs. AMS offers 3-, 5-, 10, 14-, and 21-day training courses along with a full spectrum of exercise support, including scripting, logistics support, red teams and role players, and proficiency assessments.

Mission Support Kits
Our Mission Support Kits are designed with components that have been fully tested by our SMEs for operational reliability and relevance. Our offerings include:

AMS has multiple
contracts for use by our customers including GSA Schedule 70
Please contact our
business office for details
(540) 340-6060
